Sunday, March 24, 2013

I have been watching Roots all day and a few things have come to mind. Now this isn't the first time that I have watched this but today it seems more relevant to some of the issues that the black family faces today.  Kunta Kinte spent his life trying to regain his freedom. He remsined dedicated to getting his freedom even after having part of his foot chopped off. He did just enough to stay out of harms way for the most part. He did his best to give that determination for freedom to his only daughter Kizzy. The one thing that he preached was do not trust the same people who have proven that they do not care about you. And for some reason Kizzy did noy fet the message and trusted that her white childhood friend would keep her safe after doing exactly what her parents told her not to do and what would happen if she did. I don't understand what was so hard anout don't trust whites and don't let anyone know you can read and write? Seems simple enough to me. Then after she was sold away her son George ruined his life and family trusting whited when everyone including his mother told him not to. Simple lessons cast aside for what? And here we are still making the same mistakes. I don't understand this simple message didn't make it for more then one generation.

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